Paylode: A Win-Win Solution for Companies Facing Customer Perk Restrictions

Last updated
Nov 29, 2023
Traditional rewards programs often come with a significant cost to companies. The expenses associated with providing airline miles, exclusive discounts, or free merchandise can quickly add up, cutting into a company's bottom line. This has led many companies to rethink the value they offer to customers and find alternative solutions.

Traditional rewards programs often come with a significant cost to companies. The expenses associated with providing airline miles, exclusive discounts, or free merchandise can quickly add up, cutting into a company's bottom line. This has led many companies to rethink the value they offer to customers and find alternative solutions, especially as we go further and further away from the Covid years.

Delta is an airline that has been in the news for these specific reasons. Delta recently increased the thresholds for 2024 to obtain Medallion status (Delta’s elite frequent flyer program). This chart outlines just how increasingly difficult Delta is making it for customers to obtain levels of Medallion status:

Enter Paylode—a unique low cost platform that incentivizes certain behaviors such as loyalty through perks. Unlike traditional rewards programs, Paylode offers value to customers through partnerships with thousands of brands. By leveraging these collaborations, companies can offer their customers a range of perks and benefits that are not tied to their own products or services, which in turn provides value while simultaneously reducing costs.

The benefit of Paylode lies in its ability to create a win-win scenario for both companies and their customers. While customers enjoy access to a diverse pool of perks and rewards from different brands, companies can still provide value without incurring large monetary expenses. This approach allows companies to cater to their customers' desires for exclusive deals and special offers while staying within their budgetary constraints.

The Paylode platform operates on the principle of collaboration and mutual benefit. By adopting Paylode, companies can address the evolving expectations of customers who are becoming more selective with their purchases. Instead of solely relying on their own products or services, businesses can extend their value proposition by giving customers access to exclusive perks from other brands. This approach not only enhances the overall customer experience but also increases customer satisfaction and loyalty. To avoid having to increase prices and/or cut down on ways to obtain perks like Delta where these programs cost you money, Paylode simply provides perks to “others” where you can offer thousands of curated perks for deals on brands that your customers actually want exclusive access to.

Moreover, Paylode's platform enables companies to differentiate themselves in a highly competitive market. Offering perks from multiple brands sets them apart from their competitors who may only provide rewards specific to their own products or services. This unique proposition can be a powerful marketing tool, attracting new customers and boosting brand reputation.

In a world where companies are tightening the reins on customer perks and rewards, Paylode presents a refreshing alternative. By leveraging partnerships and offering perks from other brands, companies can provide value to their customers without incurring additional costs. This win-win scenario allows businesses to stay competitive, increase customer loyalty, and expand their reach, all while safeguarding their bottom line.

So, if you're a company looking to revolutionize your approach to customer perks and rewards, consider embracing Paylode. To book a quick 15 minute Demo with a member of the team Click Here. Explore the possibilities of collaborating with other brands, providing your customers with an array of perks and benefits, and securing your position in a fiercely competitive market. With Paylode, you can redefine customer loyalty and make a lasting impact on your business.


About the author
Adrienne Kmetz
Adrienne is a marketing expert with a career history of working in startups of all sizes, from early stage to series A. She has 17+ years of experience writing about business, finance, and entrepreneurship. She went to Colorado College where she majored in skiing.
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