Hospitality perks

In the travel industry, perks are everywhere. But sometimes, they cost money. With Paylode, you can create an entire hospitality perks program for free, and still make significant revenue. Here's how.
MacBook mockup

Travel perks that are easy to implement

In the travel industry, perks are everywhere. But sometimes, they cost money. With Paylode, you can create an entire hospitality perks program for free, and still make significant revenue. Here's how.


How Perks Can Increase Direct Bookings for Budget Hotels

How Perks Can Increase Direct Bookings for Budget Hotels

Learn how budget hotels can increase direct bookings by offering perks and exclusive incentives. Discover how Paylode’s platform helps hotels create personalized, automated perk programs that boost guest loyalty and drive revenue.
Guest loyalty: Fine-tuning your hospitality retention strategy

Guest loyalty: Fine-tuning your hospitality retention strategy

Traveling can be intimately personal, stressful, aspirational, and relaxing. How do you keep your guests coming back and encourage word of mouth? Here are tips from the experts.
Build vs buy perks software: Whats right for your company?

Build vs buy perks software: Whats right for your company?

Embarking on a new initiative: Should you build the software in-house or buy it? There are pros and cons to each, but licensing from a vendor will get you launched faster.